Mehravand is manufacturer of polyethlene pipes (HDPE-LDPE) and Drip irrigation pipes and Drip tapes


Cultivation of melons with tape

Cultivation of melons with tape

Melon is a sweet and juicy fruit that has a warm character, it is often cultivated in hot and dry climates and usually in sandy soils. In general, melons grow better in sandy and light soils than in heavy and clay soils. In this article, we are going to talk to you about the Cultivation of melons with tape with ribbons and give you information about the cultivation of this sweet fruit. flat irrigation tape


What kind of soil is suitable for melons?

Melon is usually cultivated in a wide range of soils, but the land that has enough organic and mineral nutrients gives the most harvest, in general, melon grows better in sandy soil and gives better melon. And in lands that have heavy soil or clay (soils that grow well), melons do not grow well.


Irrigation tape suitable for melons

Usually, 175 micron tape with a distance of 20 to 30 cm and watering 2 (watering 2 means 2 liters of water comes out of each dropper per hour) is used for melon cultivation.

Cultivation of melons with band tape – Mehravand

What is the best fertilizer for melon growth?

Chemical and organic fertilizers are very effective in planting this plant and have a great effect in increasing the yield and quality of melon.

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